Innovative Financing & Output-Based Aid
East Meets West has been pioneering the output-based aid approach in the fields of clean water, sanitation, and education since 2007. Unlike traditional development programs where vendors are paid upfront to deliver a product or service, output-based aid, or results-based financing, makes payments after the technology or service has been implemented and verified. Output-based aid not only extends access to clean water and sanitation; it brings down the barriers to private sector business. This dual engine fuels communities to evolve for good. Our work in water, sanitation, and hygiene using innovative financing and the output-based aid approach offers incentives to grassroots workers, households and villages to stimulate demand for WASH products and services in underserved communities. When families have a clean water source and a proper latrine or toilet, they are healthier and more prosperous. The output-based aid approach: • Sparks household demand for clean water and latrines. • Incentivizes private companies to build water connections where they are needed most, so poor families can afford clean water. • Helps us to reach the not only the poorest communities, but the most marginalized, including people with disabilities; female heads of households; the elderly; and children under five, who face even more challenges in accessing water and sanitation. • Keeps the impact of our work sustainable. For more information, see our Output-Based Aid & WASH program page