Menstrual Hygiene Management


Menstruation is considered taboo in many cultures. A lack of understanding on menstrual beliefs and practices in the local context creates gender biases and inclusion issues in sanitation where people who menstruate (women, girls, non-binary, intersex and transgender people) are left behind in safe access and service. As part of East Meets West’s Women-led Output-Based Aid project in Cambodia, funded by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), national consultants on menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) have used educational sessions to reach and start conversations with community women and leaders about their hygiene and sanitation needs. Additionally, specific training sessions have been held for commune leaders who now have the capacity to independently conduct MHH education sessions in their own communes. Government buy-in has allowed for the expansion of this initiative to different districts and communes in Prey Veng and Kampong Chhnang provinces, with thousands of community members participating in the menstrual health and hygiene and nutrition training sessions. Furthermore, commune partners have been able to mobilize their commune funds, with coordination and facilitation from East Meets West, to continue providing MHH training sessions to other communities in these districts. These results underline the feasibility of incorporating and scaling up menstrual health and hygiene initiatives in sanitation programming.

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