Gender equality and women’s empowerment in WOBA. Lessons learnt from the Mid-term Review of WOBA Viet Nam
This learning note is based on the findings from the mid term review of WOBA Vietnam, to share the knowledge and lessons learned about the progress of WOBA towards improving gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Summary report of the Mid-Term Evaluation of WOBA Cambodia
This report summarises the findings of the mid-term evaluation of WOBA Cambodia. The evaluation assesses WOBA’s progress towards its planned outcomes and support learning by exploring the effectiveness of the strategies and activities implemented from June 2018 to June 2021. The summary report explores some initial indications of impacts and sustainability. It provides important recommendation in the ongoing implementation of the program and progress towards the project’s end-of-program outcomes.
WOBA Cambodia Partnership Structure: Lessons learnt from the Mid-Term Evaluation
Although there are differences between provinces in terms of the partnership structure and line of authority in charge of WOBA’s implementation activities, there is a common link between the national and subnational levels. The overall WOBA partnership structure provides partners with the role and position within a hierarchical governance structure that they are familiar with. In addition, because WOBA offers the same types of latrines across all provinces, leveraging the existing government structure works well in terms of legitimacy and sharing information down the chains of authority.
Report of WOBA Cambodia latrine and water verification (July 2019 – Oct 2021)
This report presents the results of WOBA’s verification of newly built latrines and new piped water connections. The verification was conducted in the period of July 2019 to October 2021 for 5,325 latrines and 128 water connections by the EMW WASH team.
Summary report of the Mid-Term Evaluation of WOBA Cambodia
This report summarises the findings of the mid-term evaluation of WOBA Cambodia. The evaluation assesses WOBA’s progress towards its planned outcomes and support learning by exploring the effectiveness of the strategies and activities implemented from June 2018 to June 2021. The summary report explores some initial indications of impacts and sustainability. It provides important recommendation in the ongoing implementation of the program and progress towards the project’s end-of-program outcomes.
Opportunities and Constraints for Women’s Empowerment in Vietnam’s Rural WASH: 5 Case Studies of WOBA Communes
The Women-Led Output-Based Aid (WOBA) Vietnam is a project designed and implemented by Thrive Networks/East Meets West Foundation (EMW) to address challenges and inequities in Vietnam’s rural water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector. A research study on the opportunities and constraints for women’s empowerment through WOBA Vietnam aims to consider all relevant domains in which women’s empowerment opportunities can arise through. The study aims to capture the gender experiences of women in WOBA from different perspectives: political, WASH work and entrepreneurship, community, households. The study also surmises that women must have the opportunities to engage and empowered as users, managers and change agents in their households, communities, political forums, and businesses.